Every once in a while someone asks me what the coolest thing I’ve ever gotten to photograph is.
This proposal is my new answer.
Proposals are the sweetest things to witness. I get so nervous for the guy knowing he’s about to ask the most important question of his life and I feel so exited for her because she has no idea what is about to happen. It’s seriously the best.
Loren set it all up a couple weeks before. They were going to be staying at the Salish Lodge overlooking Snoqulamie Falls and he wanted to take her on a walk on the last day of their vacation and propose to her right in front of the waterfall. He and I secretly coordinated the meeting time and place and he sent me some photos of them so I knew who to look for and didn’t accidentally stalk and photograph the wrong couple out on a walk together. Shawna didn’t know I was there photographing the whole thing until after he proposed. Then we got to do some fun newly-engaged photos!
Wow! breathtaking scenery!